Dr. Rita D. Sherma

2022 “Leading Change through Sacred Eco-praxis: Cultivating Ecological Belonging as a Holy Task.” In the Review & Expositor Special Issue “Leading Change as Sacred Practice,” guest-edited by Valerie Miles-Tribble, vol. 118: January 2022 | SAGE Journals.
2022 “Critical Interdisciplinary Theological Reflection: Methodological and Hermeneutical Considerations for Interreligious Studies.” In The Georgetown Companion to Interreligious Studies, edited by Lucinda Mosher. Washington: Georgetown University Press.
2022 “Sustainability Studies: Beyond the Denial of Religion & Theology as Resources.” In Religion & Sustainability: Interreligious Resources, Interdisciplinary Responses (co-edited with P. Bilimoria). Dordrecht: Springer.
2022 “Towards a Pedagogy of Interreligious Interdisciplinary Theological Studies.” In Religion & Sustainability: Interreligious Resources, Interdisciplinary Responses (co-edited with P. Bilimoria). Dordrecht: Springer.
2021 “Relationality and Revelation: Early Hindu Ecological Visions,” in Religions [Journal], 12(7), 465 | Edited by Christopher K. Chapple | Special Issue on Hinduism, Jainism, Yoga, & Ecology, June 24th, 2021.
2021 “Vivekananda’s Life, Legacy, and Liberative Ethics: An Introduction.” In Vivekananda: His Life, Legacy, & Liberative Ethics. Rita D. Sherma, editor. Rowman & Littlefield: Lexington | xiii-xxix.
2021 “Letter 51 to the Biden Administration and the Congress of the United States.” In American Values, American Voices: 100 Days, 100 Letters, Andrea L. Weiss and Lisa M. Weinberger, editors. DOI: https://www.valuesandvoices.com/letters-2021/letter-51/
2020 "Healing and Hope in a Time of COVID-19, Climate Calamity, and Broken Communities." In the Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies, Vol. 33, Article 6, Nov. 2020. https://doi.org/10.7825/2164-6279.1765
2020 “Principles and Practices of Hindu Contemplative Experience” In Contemplative Studies & Hinduism: Meditation, Reflection, Ritual, & Prayer, (co-edited with P. Bilimoria). London & New Delhi: Routledge | 1-12.
2020 “Contemplative Experience: An Interdharma Comparative Reflection.” In Contemplative Studies & Hinduism: Meditation, Reflection, Ritual, & Prayer (co-edited with P. Bilimoria).London & New Delhi: Routledge | 28-46.
2020 “Sri Ramakrishna: The Flavors of Bhakti.” In Beacons of Dharma, edited by Christopher Miller, Jeffery D. Long, & Michael Reading. London: Rowman & Littlefield Lexington Books | 41-61.
2019 “God the Mother & Her Sacred Text: A Hindu Vision of Divine Immanence.” In The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Indian Philosophy and Gender, edited by Veena Howard. New York, NY: Bloomsbury | 251–266.
2019 “The Necessity of a Hindu-American Chaplaincy.” In Hindu Approaches to Spiritual Care: Chaplaincy in Theory and Practice, edited by Vineet Chander, Princeton University & Lucinda Mosher, Hartford Seminar. London, UK & Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 27-31.
2018 “How to ‘Follow the Women & Free the Dialogue,’ Formal Response to 2018 Distinguished Faculty Lecture by Marianne Farina, CSC,” in Berkeley Journal of Religion and Theology, Vol. 5: 1. Berkeley, CA. https://bjrt.gtu.edu/category/news/
2018 “Ecofeminist Philosophy.” In Gestures to the Divine: Works by Hagit Cohen, Elizabeth Pena, editor. Berkeley: Center for the Arts and Religion (CARe).
2018 “Letter 76 to the President and Congress of the United States.” In American Values, American Voices: 100 Days, 100 Letters, Andrea L. Weiss and Lisa M. Weinberger, eds. Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati Press.
2018 “Inaugural Editorial.” In Journal of Dharma Studies | Vol. 1: Issue 1 |Springer Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42240-018-0018-0
2016 “The Technology of Transformation: Sacred Texts and the Divine Feminine: The Graduate Theological Union Annual Lecture in Sacred Texts.” In The Berkeley Journal of Theology | 2016 Fall Issue | Vol. 2 No. 1 | 32–46.
2016 “Tantra: Embodied Enlightenment.” In Prabhudha Bharata Journal Special Issue: Tantra. Vol. 121:1. Kolkata: Advaita Ashrama Publications | 168-177.
2015 “A Hindu Response to Laudato Si’.” In For Our Common Home: Process-Relational Responses to Laudato Si', John B Cobb Jr & Ignacio Castuera eds. | Claremont: Process Century Press | 358- 367.
2015 “Lost in Transmission? The Perils and Promise of Vedic Dharma in the West.” In Decolonizing Indic Studies, Arvind Sharma ed. | New Delhi: D. K. Printworld | 226-254.
2015 “Religion versus Spirituality: A Hindu Perspective.” In Prabuddha Bharata Journal Special Issue: Religion in Changing Times| Volume 120:1. Kolkata: Advaita Ashrama Publications | 171-76.
2014 “The Ecosystem of Religions: A Hindu Perspective.” In Sensible Religion, Dan Cohn-Sherbok and Christopher Lewis eds. London, UK: Ashgate Publishing | 109-120.
2011 “The Natural Way of Intimacy with God: Sri Ramakrishna’s Gift.” In Approaching Ramakrishna: Special Commemorative Edition, Swami Bodhasarananda, ed. |, Kolkata: Advaita Ashrama Publications | 240-250.
2011 “Introduction to a Hermeneutics of Intersubjectivity.” In Woman and Goddess in Hinduism: Reinterpretations and Re-envisionings, Tracy Pintchman and Rita D. Sherma eds.| New York: Palgrave Macmillan | 1-18.
2011 “Sri Ramakrishna.” In Prabuddha Bharata Journal. Volume 116:1 | Kolkata: Advaita Ashrama Publications | 115-121.
2008 “Introduction to Hermeneutics” In Hermeneutics and Hindu Thought: Toward a Fusion of Horizons. Rita Sherma and Arvind Sharma eds. | Dordrecht: Springer Publishing | 1-18
2007 “Love and Eros in Hindu Theology.” In The Encyclopedia of Love in World ReligionsYudit Kornberg Greenberg ed. | Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Academic Publishing.
2006 “Plural Religious Identities and Households.” The Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America. Rosemary Skinner Keller and Rosemary Radford Ruether eds. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
2006 “The Gifts of Exile: On Being a Hindu in a Global Era.” Asceticism, Identity, and Pedagogy in Dharma Traditions. Graham M. Schweig, et al. | Hampton, VA: DHB Academic Publishing | 113-125.
2005 “Hinduism.” In Sex and Religion. Christel J. Manning and Phil Zuckerman eds. | Belmont CA: Wadsworth Publishing | 18-40.
2000 “Sa Ham--I Am She: Woman as Goddess.” In Is the Goddess a Feminist? The Politics of South Asian Goddesses, edited by Alf Hiltebeitel and Kathleen M. Erndl. New York: New York University Press | 24-51.
1998 “Sacred Immanence: Reflections of Ecofeminism in Hindu Tantra.” In Purifying the Earthly Body of God: Religion and Ecology in Hindu India. Lance E. Nelson ed. Albany NY: State University of New York Press | 89-131.